Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Yard Sale Strategies - Building Lots

There's a lot of junk out there in Yard Sale Land. Plenty of little items that are just useless to a dealer. But, what if we buy them one at a time, and save up a BIG lot? Since I know I'll be doing this for a long time, I like to buy little cheap items and toss them in a box until I have a lot worth selling. I do this with Kooshes, Legos*, Scrabble games, and slide rules. (I have also done this in the past with Star Wars lightsabers and Build-a-Bear clothing, but those specific markets have largely gone south.) A big lot of Kooshes will go for a few bucks per Koosh, which is not bad when they only cost a quarter or two each. One thousand tiles from 10 Scrabble games are worth about $100 on eBay. When it's a slow yard sale day, buying silly little things can build some great lots over time.

* See the article, The Problem with Legos!

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