Friday, January 4, 2013

The Aesthetic Movement & Some Victorian Wallpaper

I found an old crate of wallpaper rolls from an 1880s Victorian house at a local estate. Many were in the vivid reds and golds so associated with the era. But a lot were more subtle and still "timeless" in their design and colors. The style was from the Aesthetic Movement, a style less widely regarded than Art Nouveau or Art Deco, but in my opinion equally impressive. It was popular in the late 19th century and draws from a Japanese influence, combining geometric shapes with animals and plants from nature. I highly recommend reading about James McNeill Whistler's Peacock Room if you are interested in this style.

Below you will find a fragment of my Aesthetic wallpaper, which I have digitized just for you. It is repeatable and looks awesome just about anywhere.

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