Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sometimes, the Early Shark Gets the Fish

This is what my local fleamarket looked like at 6:30 this morning. Yes, I was the first buyer there, but it does not do much good when no sellers are ready. I sat in my car. I walked across the street to get hot chocolate. I looked for constellations, twiddled my thumbs, etc. Sigh. Let's go, people!

Anyway, another dealer recently called me a "shark." It was not intended as a compliment, but I am certainly taking it as a compliment. I've learned over the years that nice guys don't go home with the good stuff. I like to go home with the good stuff.

(UPDATE: I found out later a friend/competitor got $500 worth of gold from this fleamarket for $5. Sometimes, it's not about being first; it's just about being in the right place at the right time.)

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