Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Breaking News: Tightwad Donates to Wikipedia!

Today, I was doing some research on this late 17th- to early 18th-century little pewter salt or nut dish. I knew the crest was German, but I was hoping to find some more useful keywords. A Google search brought me to this Wikipedia page: Coat_of_arms_of_Germany
Within moments, I had black eagle, Bundesadler, and Federal Eagle to use. Now, I'm usually pretty cheap, but I use Wikipedia so much that sometimes I think about all the reference books I don't have to buy. This Wikipedia page is so full of useful information and graphics, I did something I've never done before: I clicked the banner and actually donated to Wikipedia!
The historical articles on Wikipedia are great sources of information, usually free from all the politics and pranks of more topical pages. (Although, I do seem to recall reading that "cast iron is a great material for sex toys" a few years ago!) If you use Wikipedia as much as I do, think about sending a few bucks their way. Or just DONATE.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sometimes, the Early Shark Gets the Fish

This is what my local fleamarket looked like at 6:30 this morning. Yes, I was the first buyer there, but it does not do much good when no sellers are ready. I sat in my car. I walked across the street to get hot chocolate. I looked for constellations, twiddled my thumbs, etc. Sigh. Let's go, people!

Anyway, another dealer recently called me a "shark." It was not intended as a compliment, but I am certainly taking it as a compliment. I've learned over the years that nice guys don't go home with the good stuff. I like to go home with the good stuff.

(UPDATE: I found out later a friend/competitor got $500 worth of gold from this fleamarket for $5. Sometimes, it's not about being first; it's just about being in the right place at the right time.)